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  • Elementary Teacher ·

How to teach Art without actually teaching “Art”

Tell me, friend, have you been looking for ways to teach Art without actually teaching “Art” to your students? Well, search no longer my friend, because I have five great suggestions for you to try. Right. Here.  I don’t know what’s behind my fascination with Tim Burton is these days, but I can’t help but re-watch all of his movie classics. As a result, I dropped all…
  • Elementary Art ·

Here are 5 Art Resources you could use in your classroom

Sketchbook Drawing Prompts Sketchbook assignments became a staple in my upper elementary art classes years ago when I started teaching off a cart. Initially intended for my students to complete as homework, it has also served as busy-work for my notorious early finishers and as emergency sub plans. I love this resource because: it offers students choice & variety, meanwhile setting parameters and instilling structure in my…
  • Elementary Teacher ·

Crispy Plants and Cat Poop [+ Download my FREE Seed Experiment Brochure]

Yup. That’s precisely what awaited us upon our return from the Maritimes, nearly 3 years ago. Sure, our (now deceased) cats were always terrible roommates. Well… mostly Phoebe was a terrible roommate. Unfortunately, she was also our eldest daughter’s favorite and we were obviously stuck with her; an until-death-do-us-part sort of thing. My husband was adamant that cats can be left to fend for themselves,…
  • Elementary Art ·

What are we doing today, Ms. Hope?

These are often the words that my students greet (let’s be honest–bombard) me with me each and every time I enter their classroom for Art.  But hey, it sure beats hearing: “Ugh, not Art with Ms. Hope!” Ouch, right?  Unfortunately, I’ve heard it on far too many occasions as an art specialist (perhaps you have too!). Mind you, those exact words have also toughened me…

Hello there!

I’m Stephanie, the passionate educator behind Hope’s smART Studios. Juggling full-time teaching, parenting four wonderful kids, and running my TPT store keeps me on my toes! Since 2020, I’ve been driven by the desire to share engaging art and STEAM resources while supporting fellow teachers on their unique educational paths. Join me for tips, tricks, and creative solutions to enhance your classroom experience and foster lifelong learning